Welcome to my blog. I'm a business advisor and management consultant and this is a blog about my work in transforming businesses.

About Me

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm a twenty year veteran of having started and sold my own businesses, and now give strategic advice to business leaders locally, nationally and internationally.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We're moving to an new URL: Our final post here.

This blog will no longer be updated at the URL: http://businessdoc.blogspot.com/.

Please join us in our discussions at our new URL: http://strategyandchange-jason.blogspot.com/.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Did You Know is not enough.

More and more we see presentations like this one. I like to call it the Chicken Little phenomenon. The world is changing so fast, we're going to be left behind. Reality is, of course, that the telephone, the internal combustion engine, television, even the Cotton Ginny had as much effect on society, the economy and our futures as the internet. The Internet is already twenty years old. Life has not ended as we know it.

Change is what we make of it. Strategy is how we use time and effort to succeed. The question is not "Did you know"; it is "What does it mean?" and "Why is this important?". Jumping to conclusions - that led to the internet bubble of the '90s. Look how well that turned out.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Life is about to change again

Cute video of girl band playing with gadgets or the first sign that there is an emerging digital lifestyle that's going to complete change your customers' expectations and how you'll have to demonstrate value to them?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back after a long time away

Well, there was a death in the family and a lot happened, but I'm on the other side of the hill and I'll be posting pretty regularly now. Been co-authoring a book on municipal strategy development. Excerpts are likely to be previewed.


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